Friday, December 23, 2011
The light of the day burns with it's chains so tight.
Let me feel the vertigo, the wind in my face.
Ride on these swings and look up to space
where great balls of gas fuse hydrogen steadily.
and there's no thought of something else we're meant to be
Watching chunks of space rock streak light across the sky
Not thinking or fabricating reasons to wry my hands in anger at the universe.
The words will slip away. Your name too.
But I can still close my eyes and remember.
And smile, if only on the inside.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Give me no happy endings
No glad uplifting tales
Where after times of challenge and struggle
The hero triumphantly prevails
Because (to be honest) i'm no hero
And I don't know if I wanna see
what comes after.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Dolphins - I don't know what this is either.
You've been walking for a while. You arrive in a lush meadow besides a cliff jutting out over the ocean. Your feet are sore, so you take in the beauty of nature, the sun sparkling on the crystal clear water. You sit down and swing your legs over the edge. Below, dolphins frolic in the ocean blue, doing whatever it is happy dolphins do in the afternoon sunlight. Talking to one another with happy squeaking noises, you lazily eavesdrop on their conversation. You know it can't be true, but it's almost as if they are calling out to you and you alone.
You close your eyes and feel joy bubble up inside you as the feeling of letting go of weariness invades your tired mind. Your body is no longer achy and sore. You frolic in the waves, your nautically dynamic body almost flying through the water. Your body unconsciously learns further forward and your body begins to take on a frighteningly precarious angle, in complete defiance to silent ever present gravity. If your eyes were open you'd see the crags below seemingly reaching up eagerly, as if trying to close the gap between you and them.
At the very cusp of falling off the craggy cliff, you try to check the time. You attempt to reach into your coat to check your pocket watch, but for some reason you find yourself seriously lacking in arms and pocket watches. You flail wildly. Were you not just human? You try to focus but sink deeper into pandemonium. Your dolphin body panics, and you begin to drown, your dolphin friends useless in their efforts to aid you. You sink rapidly below the waves, darkness quickly overwhelming your senses.
You jerk back into consciousness and barely grab a hold of a nearby boulder, just catching yourself before tumbling into the chasm. As you pull yourself up, you look down briefly and glimpse the stone stalactites grinning up from below. You quickly stand up and turn your back to the faint squeaky noises in the distance. You are standing on a craggy rock cliff, the lushness from before quickly fading into lifeless rock before your eyes.
The beginnings of a faint smile cross your lips. “Classic” you say aloud to no one in particular. You check the time once again, and it reads 3 'o clock. The smile evaporates. You are running out of time. You hurry back onto the path which has now suddenly presented itself. Time is of the essence.
Chasing the hope just on the horizon
Leaping and skating on the thin ice of life.
Staying ahead of worry and frustration
dodging drama, anger, depression and strife
Though i'm not good at skating
And life always cuts low
I realize that ahead, somewhere on the horizon
I might find find the place that I need to go.
If such a place even exists.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Poetry incoming.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Be happy when there's no reason to be happy
Be happy when nothing you think you know is true.
Be happy when things that should make you happy
choke the happy right out of you.
Be confident with everything you try to build up.
Be confident when it crumbles to ash and smoke
Be confident and remember to smile and laugh
because all of life is just a joke.
Remember that life is just a vacuum
and any joy is yours to take
but life will not lead you by the hand
success isn't yours to receive
it's yours to make.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
For Myself
It's amazing what lies in a droplet of thought
enough to make and unmake the world
I try not to think about it a lot
When I reach for those thoughts my dreams come unfurled
but can drops and scraps keep one going
to a non-existent deity I pray.
I wish I could mold and shape
and that dreams were made of clay
so I could make them real – if only for myself